Critical Project Services, L.L.C. is dedicated to helping the client select a site that best fits their individual needs.
The selection of a data center site, whether a green-field or retrofit, involves a number of very important factors. Environmental conditions, site access, utility availability, and risk assessments are just a few things to consider when choosing a location for a data center.

Site selection can be a daunting task when a client is attempting to go about it alone. The questions, concerns and information associated with each individual site can be overwhelming. Critical Project Services, L.L.C. is dedicated to helping the client select a site that best fits their individual needs.
By working through the series of services and tasks provided, Critical Project Services, L.L.C. will be able lift many of the site selection burdens off of the client. Completing each of the offered assessments will allow Critical Project Services, L.L.C. the ability to fully investigate a potential site for its compatibility with the data center program. By collecting this information, Critical Project Services, L.L.C. then can appropriately inform the client on the potential that a site carries, specifically centered on what the client needs out of it.